BUG JACK BARRON & THE LAST HURRAH OF THE GOLDEN HORDE a comparative ebook experiment For some time now, I’ve been exploring and experimenting with the exfoliating frontiers of ebook publishing--the business end, the hardware end, the software end. You can read all about it on NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE--the complete THE PUBLISHING DEATH SPIRAL and THE FUTURE OF EBOOKS IS NOW. (http://normanspinradatlarge.blogspot.com/) But on the experimental side of the business end, I’ve been experimenting only with do-it--yourself, and confining myself to titles with computer files I could lay my hands on by hook or from crooks. Meaning whatever I didn’t write on a computer or couldn’t find a scanned pirated version of could not be made available. But that meant that BUG JACK BARRO...