
Showing posts from July 18, 2010


                                       AN AGNOSTIC’S PRAYER                                                by Norman Spinrad               agnostic (common definition): someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in God               gnosis:literally knowledge               gnosis mystical and philosophical definition: direct experience of the transcendent    ...


                 This is more or less self-explanatory, written in real-time on my laptop, first at home, then from a hospital bed, and posted in real-time to a group email of friends and on Facebook, hence raw and repetative, but I believe, useful and honest in original form except for spelling check.    I think AN AGNOSTIC'S PRAYER may be of free-standing interest itself independent of the personal story which finds me writing this, having created this blog, still recovering, but, not 100% cured and in for some more chemotherapy, so I will post that separately too.            March 23        I have been diagnosed with stomach cancer and told that it is presently inoperable due to involvement of a mesentery lymph node, and my only chance to even live out the year is to undergo prior chemotherapy of one kind or anothe...