
Showing posts from December 21, 2014


                    THE ABNORMAL NEW NORMAL                              by Norman Spinrad                 (a presidential platform for a  non-existent campaign)          “Things are more like they are now than they ever have been before.”                                                        --Dwight Eisenhower  “They wrote the biggest rubber check in history and passed it off on themselves.                                                          ---Norman Spinrad,                                                             GREENHOUSE SUMMER What supposedly began in 2008 and was or still is so-called “Great Recession” was or still is not primarily a recession nor did it begin with the fiscal crash of 2008.  One might trace it back to the post-World War II reaction to the New Deal, one might trace it back to the invention of the steam engine and the resultant Industrial Revolution, but to arbitrarily bring the beginning of what is now being called “The New Normal