
Showing posts from January 12, 2020


READ THIS FROM THE WASHINGTON POST! NOTHING TO BE SAID! THEN READ GENERAL STRIKE on NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE and read what has to be said. You’re a bunch of dopes and babies’: Inside Trump’s stunning tirade against generals                     GENERAL STRIKE `
       NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE --QUICK MANUAL             note: you can call up this manual any   time via "Search" or Archive."  What is NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE and how does it work? Call it a "blog," call it a "website," call it a combination of that and my Facebook News and Timeline, I'm  creating it all by myself, and still learning as I do. My Facebook News and Timeline is what it has always been. One posts on "News," it sits there on top for a bit, then sinks down into oblivion while appearing as the latest post on "Timeline" and starts likewise falling down the Timeline to nowwhere.  You can't put it back on top, it's timelined. On NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE, however, I can change the featured opening page to anything on the website whenever I want to and everything I've ever posted is always there and can be moved up to featured opening page up and down however relevant for as long as I want it t...

Story of the week--THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERE ---more or less once a week I'll post a freebie story here on NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE---one time non-exclusive reprint rights only

For decades I tried to write a story from the viewpoints of dolphins or whales and failed. For decades people have tried to speak to dolphins in their own language and failed. This story, first published in Asimov's Magazine , is about why. Dolphins and whales don't have languages because they don't need them. They've got something much better.                             THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERE                                            by Norman Spinrad In the 1960s there was a band called Blue Cheer whose claim to be the loudest rock and roll band on the planet went unchallenged.  They would play in intimate club venues standing right in front of the same monster speakers used in stadiums.  They were so loud that many aficionados of their recorded music fled in physically agony fro...

I've reduced the prices for THE PEOPLE'S POLICE as low as Amazon allows--$6.80 for the paperback, $2.99 for the ebook . I'm doing this because I believe that it's important that this novel be read as widely as possible right now even though I'll be losing money doing this. Because the title is not ironic. Because this novel bridges gaps--between cops and people of color, between Dixie and Yankeeland, between Christianity and Voodoo.

                                   Reviews of THE PEOPLE'S POLICE Tom Shippey on the Best New Science Fiction THE PEOPLE'S POLICE in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Norman Spinrad's novel imagines much wilder Mardi Gras and with it the idea of the "People's Police of New Orleans": cops looking the other way on minor crime, especially vice.                                By TOM SHIPPEY The big event in our near future, warns Norman Spinrad in "The People's Police", will be the Great Deflation. The dollar will surge, prices and wages will fall. Who suffers in that scenario? Everyone with a mortgage. Americans end up like Icelanders not so long ago, saddled with debts they can't pay with now-deflated incomes. The next stage is foreclosures and evictions. In sadly shrunken New Orleans, Officer Martin Luther Martin ...