NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE --QUICK MANUAL note: you can call up this manual any time via "Search" or Archive." What is NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE and how does it work? Call it a "blog," call it a "website," call it a combination of that and my Facebook News and Timeline, I'm creating it all by myself, and still learning as I do. My Facebook News and Timeline is what it has always been. One posts on "News," it sits there on top for a bit, then sinks down into oblivion while appearing as the latest post on "Timeline" and starts likewise falling down the Timeline to nowwhere. You can't put it back on top, it's timelined. On NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE, however, I can change the featured opening page to anything on the website whenever I want to and everything I've ever posted is always there and can be moved up to featured opening page up and down however relevant for as long as I want it t...