ELECT YOUR PEOPLE'S POLICE by Norman Spinrad If something isn't done, and done fast, a civil war in the United States is just a shot or a Molotov Cocktail away. But how and by who? If there is one American who could stand up before the protesters and be listened to it is surely the one and only former President of the United States, Barack Obama. Live before the largest crowd possible and of course well televised. What should he say? He should speak the hard truth to the leaderless protesters that what they are doing is counterproductive to their own confusion of diverse and general causes which if even possible would take decades of legislation to accomplish. What is needed immediately is a strong significant and reachable demand. Demand that the head of all police departments in the United States--cities, towns, st...
10 most recent posts
THE 21ST CENTURY SHAMAN Alternate Medicines and the Scientific Method by Norman Spinrad Written over a decade ago as a proposal for a book that never got written but all too pertinent to the era of the coronavirus There are many medical systems on this planet, some of them ancient, some of them new, more of them that not based on metaphorical systems. Only “Western” or “alliopathic” medicine is based on rigorous science. But many of the traditional non-western systems cure some conditions cure some conditions but not others. Many of these cures work in practice, but not in theory. That is they do work, but not for the reasons the theory behind them conte...
This is a kind of love letter to France, my original English text of an article commissioned in 1998 by the French national newspaper LE MONDE and a rough French translation done with Google because I couldn’t find LE MONDE’S French translation anywhere on the Internet. (Update: meilleur traduction francais --merci a Alain Gresh I’m putting it online on the occasion of my impending 6 weeks or so in France because it’s been causing me to reflect on what my 14 years living in France has meant to me and still does during my largely unwilling return to New York. What I wrote in LE MONDE in 1998 is personally even truer for me now that it was then. Since then, I’ve done appearances for the French Foreign Service in New Caldonia and Mexico, received a Career Achievement Award at the Utopiales festival in Nantes from the hands of Jean-Marc Ayrault, then the mayor of Nantes, now Prime Minister of France. I’ve had a hand in getting the prison diary ...
BUG JACK BARRON & THE LAST HURRAH OF THE GOLDEN HORDE a comparative ebook experiment For some time now, I’ve been exploring and experimenting with the exfoliating frontiers of ebook publishing--the business end, the hardware end, the software end. You can read all about it on NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE--the complete THE PUBLISHING DEATH SPIRAL and THE FUTURE OF EBOOKS IS NOW. (http://normanspinradatlarge.blogspot.com/) But on the experimental side of the business end, I’ve been experimenting only with do-it--yourself, and confining myself to titles with computer files I could lay my hands on by hook or from crooks. Meaning whatever I didn’t write on a computer or couldn’t find a scanned pirated version of could not be made available. But that meant that BUG JACK BARRO...
THE TRANSFORMATION CRISIS--a book proposal for a major publisher
DIRECT ACTION Virginia with 13 electoral votes has now joined the Compact. The magic number is 270. Now the count to it is 209 and rising. Only 61 more electoral votes to go. Which state will be next? Which state will be the one to finally make it so? Save American Constitutional Democracy from the coming singularity via The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact In 2016 Clinton got 3 million more popular votes than Trump but Trump was elected President against the will of the majority of the American voters and the odds are that something like it is going to happen again in 2020. And if it does, the Constitution of the United States will be revealed as incompatible with American Democracy and something cannot help but give. There cannot fail to be a paradigm shift AKA a revolution against the Constitution as it stands. Indeed there has already been a...
I'm still offering my original screenplay for BUG JACK BARRON, called “One of the 100 greatest films never made,” on Amazon after 4 decades, but I'm now reducing the price to $3.00 because the important thing for me is to have this screenplay widely read. BUG JACK BARRON Original Screenplay for $3.00! This is the orginal screenplay adaptation of BUG JACK BARRON I wrote way back in the 1970s under an indie option which never got picked up. Several options later, BUG JACK BARRON, the novel, was optioned by one Gary Weis, who sold the option to Universal. With the option running out, Universal exercised it, that is, bought the rights to make the film, for Costa Gavras, with a screenplay by Harlan Ellison. For whatever reasons, they didn’t like the Ellison screenplay, or several others, including this one. Costa Gavras fell out of the project, and the film has yet to be made, though many, many directors, and producers have tried to get the the rights from U...
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ReplyDeleteThe bibliography of your works at the Speculative Fiction Database is also quite comprehensive: