AMERICAN GENERALS ON STRIKE AGAINST THE FOREVER WAR. This is not going to make economic sense for me. GENERAL STRIKE is a 17,000 word novella that no magazine would dare publish and if you read it, you'll probably understand why, the very same reason why I self published it on Amazon, $7.00 for paperback, $5.00 because I believed it had to be read now. Unsurprisingly, it hasn't exactly been a best seller. So I've just undercut myself and not only dropped the Amazon prices to $3.58 for the paperback, the lowest price Amazon allows and at which I get no royalty at all and $2.99 for the ebook which is also the Amazon minimum. Not only that, I'm cutting even that by posting the whole novella on NORMAN SPINRAD AT LARGE for free. Why am I doing such a thing? Call it patriotism, call it direct action, call it putting my money where my mouth is, call it because I believe that current actions by Donald Trump re Iran among other things, make it necessary. Mikhail ...
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